I'm such a slacker

Ok, ok, ok, I know I am a total blog slacker. I just forget. But thanks to all you inquiring minds who keep reminding me to post. So here's what's going on.

NYC is still just awesome! I'm so glad I moved here. It is by far the best thing I have ever done for myself. On one hand, I wish I had moved here sooner. On the other hand, I would have missed so much if I had. I guess everything happens at the right time.

I'll post some good dating stories later, maybe while June is bored at work, but for now I'll just fill you in on what's happening in my life.

I have several jobs now. My absolute favorite is my Sunday morning singing gig at Church of the Ascention on 107th street. Thanks to my friend Jamie Shiell in ATL for hooking me up with Preston, the choirmaster/organist. We do really great music every week. It's a fast paced setting, so I can't get bored, and the people are just lovely. Plus there are some real hotties in the congregation! And they pay me to be there!!! I have always felt so blessed to be able to do what I love for a living, but actually getting paid for singing takes the cake! So much fun!

I have 6 students in my studio now and several more who are going to sign up soon! I met this one mom who has hooked me up with all kinds of kids from PS 163 on the Upper West Side. They are some of the sweetest girls I have ever worked with. They all love to sing and play the piano. We're planning a recital in December. I've also made some good connections at my church job. I think that is going to lead to lots of students too!

If you've been following my Facebook page, you know that I have a job in the morning as an Administrative Assistant where my boss sometimes calls me June. I had worked there for 2 or 3 weeks when I walked in one morning and he said, "Hi, June." I looked puzzled, but he has a pretty heavy New York accent so I thought maybe he said Sue as he normally calls me Sue or Susan. He had a guest in the office that day, so I just went on about my business. A few minutes later, his friend needed a copy made of something and I hear my boss say from the other room, "June will do that for you." His friend came over and said, "June, would you please make me a copy of this?" I said, "sure, but my name is Suzanne." I stuck my head in my boss's office and told him that my name is Suzanne. He said, "oh, ok" and that was the end of it. Or so I thought. I was Sue and Susan for a while and then one random day I walked in and heard, "Hi, June!" And here we go again.......Most of the time now he calls me Susan or Sue, or if he's in a really good mood, I'm Suzie. His daughter-in-law's name is Suzie and he adores her so I consider this quite the compliment. I can't complain though, it's a REALLY easy job and it pays very well for what is expected of me. I get in a lot of knitting time there. I guess I really should put down the knitting and update the blog. LOL I'll try to do better.

Meanwhile, thanks to my loyal followers. I appologize for making you wait so long. I will post some interesting NYC stories very soon. You know I have some!

Thanks for reading!


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